Tuesday, March 06, 2007

A Mormon President? God Forbid!

I will never vote for a Mormon as President of the United States of America? Is that bigotry? Maybe. Before you jump to that conclusion, however, let me explain why I am disinclined to cast my lot for a Mormon to fill the position of chief executive of the United States. My view is that a certain degree of intelligence and the persistent application of one's intellect to questions of importance is absolutely necessary in a President. It is exactly this kind of rigorous application of critical thinking that is absent from the Mormon mind.
To be a Mormon one must either be intellectually sub-standard or must, one way or another, exempt one's faith from critical examination. How else can one believe the absurdities of the kind anyone can discover upon even a shallow investigation into Mormonism? An intelligent Mormon must either compartmentalize his Mormonism into a thinking-free zone or adhere to Mormonism for purely social and utilitarian reasons (family values, positive community, business connections, etc.). The latter is a shallow religiosity uninterested in truth and unworthy of an honorable person's adherence.
Would I vote for an adherent of any religion other than my own to be President of the United States? Yes. Although I differ strongly with other truth claims, I can see how rational people can reasonably adhere to them and retain their honor. A Buddhist, Taoist, even an atheist could get my vote if the candidate's political positions were akin to my own. No Mormon, satanist, Marxist (it is a religion, you know), Shintoist, Wiccan, polytheist (Mormons are henotheists, a subset of polytheism), or Muslim will ever get my support in a run for the highest office in this land because the religion to which they adhere are all either blatantly irrational or doctrinally sinister or both. If that is bigotry, then I am a bigot.