Monday, May 29, 2006


Is anyone really what they claim to be any more? We have communists (literally) claiming to be "greens", liberals (i.e. socialists) claiming to be "progressives" or "moderates", and moderates claiming to be conservatives. What in the world are conservatives supposed to call themselves? Others, of course, call them radicals. I, being a Libertarian, am used to being defined out of the political spectrum. But at least I have a label that accurately applies. We live in a world of RINOs and DINOs. With the superficial press and generations of government schooled masses lacking any real ability to think critically, what one calls himself is more important than what one actually is. Labels are generally accepted as descriptive, more or less, of the actual article. We have Christians, even clergy, who deny the fundamental tenets of the faith to which they supposedly adhere, yet they have no qualms about continuing to called them selves by the label whose definition they no longer (if ever) fit. As with most problems, the solution is simple, but difficult. The solution is too difficult in fact to be applied by enough of the population to make any difference: ignore labels and examine substance. But, hey, I'm a dreamer.

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